The Associate Vice Chancellor & Dean of Students’ Advisory Board is responsible for advising the senior leadership on current trends, ideas, and opportunities amongst the student body and for providing feedback on student life / engagement and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice (DEIBJ) work and activities of the AVC/DoS Centers. The Board members are our ambassadors for providing critical feedback to the senior leadership of the AVC/DoS Centers’ to provide relevant, appropriate, and accessible programming and services for all students. Board members are appointed from key student groups that are engaged in some aspect of student life and DEIBJ initiatives or activism on campus.
All interested Berkeley students who plan to be enrolled in both the Fall and Spring semesters of the given year are eligible. Students who are passionate about the quality of student life and the student experience at UC Berkeley, engaged in the campus community, and interested in student services and development outside of the classroom setting are encouraged to apply. We are seeking a broad representation of students.
Guidelines for Board Members
Attend board meetings. These Meetings will be held once a month from 5-6:30pm (dinner included) while classes are in session:
The dates for these meetings are as follows:
- October 19
- November 16
- December 7
- February 22
- March 21
- April 11
Additionally, Board members are required to respond to email and are expected to stay active in their student involvements, and to bring the opinions, ideas, issues of the students they represent to the Board meeting each month. Finally, but perhaps most importantly, Board members must embody UC Berkeley’s Principles of Community and practices of non-violence, inclusion, and social justice.
Application Instructions
Please submit the Nomination Form for by Monday October 2nd
If you have any questions, contact